Mere Brother ki Dulhan is musical romantic comedy movie set amongst upper middle class families in North India. The story which takes you on fun-filled ride of humour and romance, where Imran falls in love with his brother’s dulhan.
Mere Brother ki Dulhan is Yash Raj Banner Films next project starring, Katrina Kaif, Imran Khan and Ali Zafar in the lead. The flick is written and directed by Ali Abbas Zafar.The movie Mere Brother ki Dulhan will be release in mid-2011.
Mere Brother ki Dulhan is Yash Raj Banner Films next project starring, Katrina Kaif, Imran Khan and Ali Zafar in the lead. The flick is written and directed by Ali Abbas Zafar.The movie Mere Brother ki Dulhan will be release in mid-2011.