On 10th Feb in Mumbai, There was a party which hosted by bollywood director Karan Johar. Some of the bollywood's stars were present in the party like, Aishwarya Rai, Shahrukh Khan, Priyanka Chopra and the Sonali Bendre.
Sonali Bendre and Aishwarya Rai came up dressed in Black dress which was only thigh length. Both have entered the party together. No sooner had they arrived, the talk spread around the party that Sonali has not weared underwear.
This was the very shocking news for the fans of Sonali Bendre. As we all know that sonali Bendre is one of the bollywood's most famous actress who have won the Star Screen Award for the best supporting actress in the year 2001 for the film Humara Dil Apke Paas Hai. She have gave many hit films to bollywood. She has also huge fan following lists.
This incident rudely goes against her good image. Bollywood was rocked in the past due to separate such incidents, where Yana Gupta and Neetu Chandra turned up in public without wearing panty. However both were unmarried.
Sonali Bendre the wife of director Goldie Behl and has one child. Sonali was seen wearing tight thigh length dress and forgot to wear her panty. So the shutter bugs at the entrance of Karan Johar’s party gate caught her wardrobe malfunction on their cameras. However sonali was least bothered about it and smiled to the cameraman who captured her secret part.
Sonali Bendre and Aishwarya Rai came up dressed in Black dress which was only thigh length. Both have entered the party together. No sooner had they arrived, the talk spread around the party that Sonali has not weared underwear.
This was the very shocking news for the fans of Sonali Bendre. As we all know that sonali Bendre is one of the bollywood's most famous actress who have won the Star Screen Award for the best supporting actress in the year 2001 for the film Humara Dil Apke Paas Hai. She have gave many hit films to bollywood. She has also huge fan following lists.
This incident rudely goes against her good image. Bollywood was rocked in the past due to separate such incidents, where Yana Gupta and Neetu Chandra turned up in public without wearing panty. However both were unmarried.
Sonali Bendre the wife of director Goldie Behl and has one child. Sonali was seen wearing tight thigh length dress and forgot to wear her panty. So the shutter bugs at the entrance of Karan Johar’s party gate caught her wardrobe malfunction on their cameras. However sonali was least bothered about it and smiled to the cameraman who captured her secret part.