Dewi Persik has full name,Dewi Murya Agung, was born in Jember, East Java, December 18, 1985. She is a dangdut singer who soared through the 'rocking the saw', which is similar to the rocking motion of the saw back and forth.
Persik own name given by his manager, who hoped his career shone like a peach, the fruit from China that are considered good luck. In addition to the couple's daughter H. Mochammad Aidil and Hj. Sri Muna also have Chinese blood from his grandmother.
Besides his profession as pedangdut,

Dewi Persik is dangdut singer married Saiful Jamil on June 26, 2005, but their marriage age only run less than two years. On January 14, 2008 North Jakarta Religious Court declared them divorced.
These couples divorce road running enough 'ins and outs', which filed for divorce in August 2006 Saiful, several times a fruitful decision to refer. But that decision did not last long, it conflicts both 'is widening', although problems still remain the same, namely the goddess dress that is too open.
Post-divorce Saiful, Dewi Persik go through life as a singer with a full beam. Appearance of 'the brave' to provoke protests by many parties, even some of the singer grabbed the big screen movie TALII POCONGG PERAWANN it.
However Dewi comment about the likely ban 'bold' are deemed to be escalating atmosphere. Dewi claimed his freedom constrained by the ban-ban and considered as character assassination and slander against him. Even when the goddess told 'challenge' to sue the people who were on the table memfitnahnya law.
Until then Minister of Youth and Sports, Adiyaksa Dault, reminding intervened directly by telephone. Not only that, this man with a mustache related advised appearance. Get advice, Dewi plead guilty and make mistakes, although she still will not change the erotic sway.
Dewi been proposed by a mixed northern Germany and the Malays, Ferry Farid Yusuf Mansyur, who lived in the Netherlands. The plan in December 2008 Dewii will soon end with the widow of a man converts it.
But eventually the relationship Dewi and Ferry also failed. In fact, the famous Dewi Persik with this sensational news eventually do with the players memploklamirkan soap, presenter and singer, Aldi Taher. Before the Ferry, Dewi never preached Aldii dating, but both Aldi and then Dewi denied this news. But now, Aldi and Dewi ready to step into marriage.
End of February 2009, Dewi reported admission to hospital due to a miscarriage. Finally, the mystery of the relationship between Dewi and Aldi. Apparently they have done siri marriage on July 4, 2008.
Siri marriage but it could have problems. Even while they had parted. During the separation, Dewi is said to have spoken with Ferry. But ultimately these couples argue and say that they have been legally married to avoid fornication.
Problems with the former assistant, Asep not finished, go back preached Dewi Persik have a problem with another former assistant. Andi, a former assistant Dewi feel the pain of unilateral dismissal by the Goddess. Even the wife reportedly was doing Aldi Taher terror with death threats against Brenda.
In akting world, it seems this Aldi's wife wants to establish itself as a horror special player. Since recently, playing in the movie goddess TUSUK KUNTILANAK.
Unfinished legal issues related to problems with the former assistant, Asep, this time the goddess had to deal with the law again. Goddess Azalia Aifah reported, it is said people have been deceived.
Finally, the dispute decided by a court Asep won by the Goddess. However, again unlucky ketiban Goddess. Because it is never said to the media if he pays lawyers and team Elza Syarief, Elza is offended because he defended without pay Dewi finally resigned as a lawyer Dewi.
Not only the lawyers left, Dewi seems to swallow the bitter pill because my husband left two times. This time her husband, sued for divorce Aldi Taher chanter Hikayat Cinta on Tuesday (29/09/09) in the PA West Jakarta.