Auriele Alida Marie Gagal Di kontrak Multivision

Aurelie Alida Marie (16) sempat membintangi sinetron Hitam Putih (Astro TV). Untuk FTV, ia sudah membintangi Geng Vespa Genk Cinta, Pacar setengah tiang dan Cintaku di Pos Satpam.
Kontrak kerja Multivision terhadap Auriele Alida Marie batal demi hukum. Pasalnya, Multivison tak mencantumkan hak anak dibawah 17 tahun saat bekerja atau syuting.
"Setelah mempelajari kontraknya bukan hanya Aurel dengan salah satu PH saja, banyak kontrak lain yang melanggar UU Ketenagakerjaan nomor 13 tahun 2003. Tentang perlindungan anak mengembangkan bakat dan minat itu bisa dipidana, seharusnya kontrak itu mencantumkan itu," ungkap Aris Merdeka Sirait, di Komnas Perlindungan Anak, Jakarta, Selasa (16/2).
Terry Putri Digenjot Suami Demi Anak

Sejak menikah dengan Rully Johan, Terry Puteri belum diberikan momongan. Demi mendapatkan anak, Terry rajin menkonsumsi tauge, dan rajin berhubungan intim dengan Rully...
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Foto Syur Maychan Heboh di Internet

Sebuah foto erotis seorang wanita muda yang diduga mirip sekali dengan personel Duo Maia, Meychan, beredar luas di internet...
Jika melihat dari kontur wajah sang wanita muda itu, terlihat sekali raut mukanya mirip dengan Meychan lagi Bugil. Benarkah ini Meychan?
Terlepas dari benar atau tidaknya foto wanita itu adalah foto yang mirip dengan Meychan, bisa dipastikan kejahatan dunia internet (cyber crime) terhadap kalangan selebritis hingga kini makin meningkat tajam.
wait and see.... fakta atau cuma rekayasa :D
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Arumi Bachsin Pacaran Backstreet

Artis muda Arumi Bachsin buka-bukaan soal kisah cintanya di masa lalu. Arumi yang kini berusia 15 tahun pernah pacaran lewat jalan belakang alias backstreet.
Bintang 'Putih Abu-Abu dan Sepatu Kets' itu mengaku dirinya belum boleh pacaran oleh kedua orangtuanya. Karena penasaran ingin tahu rasanya cinta, ia pun nekat menjalin hubungan dengan pria idamannya....
Source : Detiknet
Jennifer Dunn Bugil Demi Pengacara

Artis Jennifer Dunn secara blak-blakan mengakui memiliki hubungan istimewa dengan pengacara kasusnya, Sunan Kalijaga. Menurut Jennifer, Sunan pun dibayarnya dengan cinta.
"Kok gratis sih, mentang-mentang gue pacaran sama dia gitu," ujarnya. "Saya bayarnya dengan cinta saya," tambahnya lagi seraya tertawa, saat ditemui di Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Barat, Kamis (11/2/2010).
"Kok gratis sih, mentang-mentang gue pacaran sama dia gitu," ujarnya. "Saya bayarnya dengan cinta saya," tambahnya lagi seraya tertawa, saat ditemui di Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Barat, Kamis (11/2/2010).
Jennifer Dunn Hot Gossip News and Picture

Jennifer Dunn Telah Dinikahi Pengacaranya?
Jakarta Jennifer Dunn dan pengacaranya, Sunan Kalijaga, digosipkan memiliki hubungan istimewa. Sunan pun tidak membantah kalau kedekatannya dengan Jennifer ...
Jennifer Dunn-Sunan Kalijaga Juga Mesra Lewat FB
JAKARTA- Perselingkuhan yang diduga terjadi antara Jennifer Dunn dan kuasa hukumnya, Sunan Kalijaga SH awalnya terungkap lewat facebook. ...
Jennifer Dunn Kepergok Ciuman dengan Pengacara Beristri
JAKARTA- Artis yang juga tersangka kasus narkoba, Jennifer Dunn diduga menjadi selingkuhan kuasa hukumnya sendiri, Sunan Kalijaga SH. ...
ada-ada kelakuan artis cantik yang satu ini, dah narkoba sekarang selingkuh...
Andi Soraya Foto Seksi Bikini

Andy Soraya salah satu pemeran film Hantu Puncak Datang Bulan berakting melepas branya dengan tangan kiri dan menutup bagian payudara dengan bagian kanan. Aksi melepas bra tidak hanya di situ, dalam salah satu adegan di atas ranjang, Andy Soraya juga melakukannya...Foto-foto hot Andi Soraya yang lain....
Deasy Bouman Foto and Profil

Deasy Bouman Indoteinment Foto and Gossip Meskipun sudah sekitar dua tahun tinggal di Jakarta demi karir keartisan yang dikejarnya, bukan berarti Deasy Bouman melupakan asal-usulnya sebagai cewek yang lahir di Jogja, 12 Desember 1992 dan besar di Yogyakarta. Deasy selalu merasa kangen akan kota pelajar tersebut. Makanya begitu dia punya waktu liburan, langsung deh, dia menyiapkan kopernya dan terbang ke Yogya...
Cantik dan cute kan?? gini-gini digosipkan pacaran ma Dude Herlino...Nah Loh
Foto Hot Julia Perez yang Heboh

Julia Perez yang sangat seksi,hot dan vulgar. Penyanyi dan pemain sinetron ini terkenal dengan image artis hot dan syur,baru-baru ini Julia Perez berfoto dengan sangat vulgar di sebauh acara.Ini dia foto-foto hot vulgar terbaru Julia Perez...Foto Seksi Jupe yang lain...
wuih belahan dada Jupe .... menggoda
Jupe Pose dikamar mandi....yahuuud
Dian Sastro Foto Vulgar

Wulan Guritno Rajin Perawatan

Aktris Wulan Guritno mengaku cukup rajin membersihkan bulu yang ada di tubuhnya. Jelang melahirkan anak keduanya, Wulan pun nantinya ingin tubuhnya bersih dari bulu-bulu.
Aktris Wulan Guritno mengaku cukup rajin membersihkan bulu yang ada di tubuhnya. Jelang melahirkan anak keduanya, Wulan pun nantinya ingin tubuhnya bersih dari bulu-bulu.
sumber: Detikhot
Verlita Evelyn Tak Bulan Madu Demi Cinta Fitri

Verlita Evelyn Raymond, Bintang sinetron Cinta Fitri resmi dinikahi penyanyi Ivan Saba, Sabtu (6/2/2010) malam. Pasca menikah, demi sinetron 'Cinta Fitri' yang dibintanginya, Verlita rela tidak bulan madu.
Verlita dengan Ivan dan sudah lima tahun pacaran. Mengarungi jalinan cinta selama lima tahun, Ivan dan Verlita pun kini sangat bahagia sudah resmi menjadi suami-istri.
sumber: detihot
Verlita dengan Ivan dan sudah lima tahun pacaran. Mengarungi jalinan cinta selama lima tahun, Ivan dan Verlita pun kini sangat bahagia sudah resmi menjadi suami-istri.
sumber: detihot
Lindsay wanted to change the date of the Vienna Opera

Producer Rodney Jerkins seems to believe that Lindsay Lohan would be ideal to join Lady Gaga in the studio for a collaboration effort.
Jerkins said, “I can pair them up. I would love it. I would love to see what could happen.”
Either with or without Gaga, Jerkins believes Lohan can pull it off. He said, “If she stays focused, I think she has what it takes. I’ve talked to her, and I said, ‘You’ve got what it takes. I really believe in you.’”
He obviously really thinks LiLo has something. He added, “I’ve seen a lot of people questioning actresses who have wanted to become pop stars, and they don’t have it. I believe she has it, something deep down. I’ve listened to her in the past, and I think there’s something there. It just needs to be pulled out.”
For 19 years, oddball Austrian billionaire Richard Lugner has paid for nights with beautiful B-list bombshells. He pays them about $150,000 and, in exchange, they sign autographs at one of his shopping malls and then accompany him to Austria’s premier social event, the Vienna Opera Ball.
The 77-year-old, four-times-divorced father of three gets a kick out of the attention — and sometimes outrage — that his buxom rent-a-dates stir up. Over the years, he has squired Pamela Anderson, Paris Hilton, actresses Sophia Loren, Raquel Welch and Andie MacDowell, and burlesque performer Dita Von Teese.
But none have been so demanding as this year’s date — Lindsay Lohan. Lohan, dubbed “the fallen Disney princess” by the Austrian media, accepted Lugner’s offer after his first choice, pneumatic British reality-TV star Jordan (a k a Katie Price), stole his thunder by announcing her selection to the tabloids before he could.
But Lohan had some issues.
“She wanted to change some of the dates,” Lugner told The Post. Alas, the ultraposh Opera Ball, started in 1936, “can’t be moved.”
Then Lohan, 23, refused to pick a gown ahead of time and will wait until just before the Feb. 11 ball to pick “a European gown.” Lugner won’t comment on whether he’s picking up the tab for that. Finally, her handlers called. No champagne. No open bar. No alcohol of any kind must be allowed within Lindsay’s sight.
“Her managers have told us to make sure that she doesn’t drink during her trip,” Lugner said. “We have made arrangements to pull all the liquor from the mini-bar in the hotel room where she’ll stay, and told room service they are not to deliver drinks to her.”
To make sure Lohan will be on her best behavior as 2,000 haute Viennese waltz the night away, “we will be drinking only mineral water that night to avoid any problems.”
Maybe Lugner should have gone with his other finalist, Lady Gaga. More rubber, less trouble.
As part of the shillings-but-no-schnapps deal, Lohan will attend a press conference with Lugner the day before the ball. She’ll also sign autographs for a few hours in his massive mall, known as Lugner City. She’ll go to the dance with Lugner, his current 20-year-old girlfriend, Anastasia Sokol, his 16-year-old daughter, Jacqueline, and the teen’s 25-year-old boyfriend, Helmut Werner.
“My daughter is the one who chose Lindsay, and she has picked for me in the last three years because she’s more in touch with who’s in the newspapers. Me, I’m a businessman, so I don’t know these things,” Lugner said.
Lugner, who reportedly once got his eyelids Botoxed so he could look more like George Clooney, is infamous in Austria for creating a media circus at the ball with his paid escorts — especially when his guest is willing to take a turn on the crowded dance floor during the celebrated “Alles Walzer.”
“Sometimes with my guest, dancing is impossible, because so many journalists want to talk to them,” the Austrian said. “I recall, though, that Faye Dunaway and Grace Jones were great dancers. I was able to dance with them.”
Von Teese, who accompanied Lugner in 2008, said Lohan should demand extra bodyguards.
“I was trampled in a mob scene by the press. It was very frightening and also unfortunate that I couldn’t actually enjoy the beauty of the music and the dancing,” Von Teese told The Post. “I’m quite good at these partner dances, and it made me sad that I wasn’t able to be on that beautiful dance floor.”